Kuromon Torepichi Market

Open-Close 8:00 - 18:00     Regular holiday None

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MY Favorite

Enjoy grilled seafood and steak together

We start grilling only once you’ve placed your order, so you’ll be able to eat it hot off the grill.
Particularly when it comes to crab and shrimp, we bake in a covered pan before grilling, so we’re the only restaurant in Kuromon where you can eat plump and tender shrimp like this.
Meanwhile, we use high-end Japanese wagyu beef for our steaks and grilled beef skewers.
Good for both takeout and dining in.

Adress:2-12-19, Nippombashi, Chuo-ku, Osaka
TEL: 070-9265-6767
URL: https://www.instagram.com/torepichi_minamikuromon?igsh=aTkyMmM5aWI0eHRx
Open-Close: 8:00 - 18:00  
Regular holiday: None

Directions to Shop

MY Favorite